galimathies: Campus pool room
galimathies: budget.
galimathies: Late night wireframing
galimathies: Extremly dangerous and yet also cool
galimathies: New Chinese restaurant with my apartment building in the background
galimathies: Guava juice
galimathies: Shooter
galimathies: Coffee time with Rojan
galimathies: Leisure centre
galimathies: Campus tree
galimathies: On the way to get coffee
galimathies: Campus - food court
galimathies: Chicken masala sandwiches
galimathies: We'll let you know when Paint works again
galimathies: Initialising
galimathies: Morning walk to get coffee
galimathies: Campus
galimathies: Campus
galimathies: Campus
galimathies: Campus
galimathies: Dinner with Rojan and Ram
galimathies: Campus - the food court
galimathies: The drawing of a lawn mower turned into something a bit more naughty
galimathies: My office space
galimathies: View from the office - my apartment building on the right
galimathies: View from the office
galimathies: Sexy office cubicle and Rojan
galimathies: Stir fried rice
galimathies: Rojan ordering some food
galimathies: Infosys merchandise