Gail Frederick:
O Christmas Tree
Gail Frederick:
Toy soldiers & candy canes
Gail Frederick:
Christmas on the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
Christmas on the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
Presents are present
Gail Frederick:
Gail Frederick:
On deck
Gail Frederick:
Waiting for Santa
Gail Frederick:
There were even reindeer aboard!
Gail Frederick:
A Sea of Green
Gail Frederick:
Gail Frederick:
Artwork from the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
Artwork from the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
Artwork from the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
Artwork from the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
The kitchen used for cooking demonstrations
Gail Frederick:
Ready, set cook!
Gail Frederick:
The kitchen used for cooking demonstrations
Gail Frederick:
The looooong hallway
Gail Frederick:
Our hallway
Gail Frederick:
Our cabin door
Gail Frederick:
The shot I take on every trip
Gail Frederick:
Cloud after cloud
Gail Frederick:
Dean on the promenade deck
Gail Frederick:
Evening on the Maasdam
Gail Frederick:
My all-time absolute favorite photo of me (so far)
Gail Frederick:
Who is this floozie? (oh's me)
Gail Frederick:
The first of the strange animals that showed up in our cabin after dinner
Gail Frederick:
Reading or sleeping?
Gail Frederick:
Shootin' the breeze