Gail Frederick: On Deck for the Cure banner
Gail Frederick: Waiting to walk
Gail Frederick: Not a reindeer game
Gail Frederick: Gathering by the Christmas display
Gail Frederick: The reindeer had to stay put
Gail Frederick: Getting ready to go on deck for the walk
Gail Frederick: Heading through the doors to the promenade
Gail Frederick: Waiting to start
Gail Frederick: Joining the waiting throng
Gail Frederick: Still waiting...
Gail Frederick: and.....we're off!
Gail Frederick: Good exercise for a good cause
Gail Frederick: We're walking, we're walking...
Gail Frederick: This was one of the views from the deck
Gail Frederick: Strangers to me, Friends of the cause
Gail Frederick: Strangers to me, Friends of the cause
Gail Frederick: A wider view of walkers and deck
Gail Frederick: Walking for the cure
Gail Frederick: On Deck for the Cure