Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: They seem to follow me around...
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: A little Chestnut.... actually she was big.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Limax maximus (literally, "great slug")
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Burnet Moth & Skipper Butterfly Enjoying Lunch
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: An Unexpected picnic Guest........
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Snail..........White lipped banded - what a great name!!
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Iolo Williams...our special guest
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Newts - a rubbish photo but..........