Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: A walk up the woods...the first of this New Year.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Still a few beech leaves hanging on....
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Another surprise - Herb Robert......
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Dandelion found with many others on 08-01-12
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Crinkly Wrinkly Beech Leaves.........
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Does my neck look big in this ??
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Sunset - the night before last.....
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: SunSet........2nd day of February.