Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Common Blue - Celastrina argiolus (Lycaenidae)
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Peacock Butterfly - Nymphalis io (Nymphalidae)
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Ladybird ladybird fly away home.........
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Caterpillar of the Red Admiral.....
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Click, click......Click Beetle or Athous Haemorrhoidalis.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Baby Blue Tits - fingers crossed for this brood.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: If I smile, she might leave me alone !!
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Badger Sett amongst the bluebells.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Rosie enjoying the Bluebells @ 10mm
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: "if I keep still she won't see me"
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: I have frog spawn in my pond.......Yeah !!!