Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: A welcome sight - Celandines are opening.!!
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Scarlet Elfcup - Sarcoscypha austriaca
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Seen better days.....but still looking good.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Jelly Ear - Auricularia auricula-judae
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Where have all the trees gone.....??
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Dried Teazel...for Valentines day.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Female Catkin Flower........on a hazel tree.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Minimalist Evening sky - last night....
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: From last week...Earthstar Fungus (Geastrum triplex)
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Nice colour - lovely looking fungus.
Gale's Photographs will try and comment when I can: Project Castle Coch Vista - No 9