Galang Family: Where did I put my mouth?
Galang Family: Oh! Look! Cheerio fond! (get me with my chef-ese!)
Galang Family: Now I'll just pour them out. On the floor.
Galang Family: Mmmm...perfect. I am quite the chef.
Galang Family: I think they're done.
Galang Family: I can cook. I can cook some Cheerios.
Galang Family: Thinking soooo hard...
Galang Family: Butterfly beads!
Galang Family: When they say activity cube, they're not kidding!
Galang Family: Look at me!
Galang Family: Do I have something on my face?
Galang Family: Jenn gave me my own canape.
Galang Family: Watching football with Pops.
Galang Family: Pom Pom, you are one handsome fellow.
Galang Family: trying out a new toy
Galang Family: Looks like she's been caught getting her bubble "fix"
Galang Family: Is this where she gets her spit bubble supply?
Galang Family: Neph sleeping?
Galang Family: A hug for Lola
Galang Family: Krazy-hair Kesiah and Lola
Galang Family: Wearing my momma's clothes :)
Galang Family: With cousin Anna Lisa
Galang Family: With Anna Lisa and Neph
Galang Family: Artsy drive to the grandparents'
Galang Family: Yeah, I know, can you believe she's still at it with the camera?
Galang Family: Strike a pose, there's nothing to it...
Galang Family: Addiction begins early.
Galang Family: What the hail?
Galang Family: Baby. Daddy.