gak: ...and this is the parking lot.
gak: Short stop to discovery.
gak: There are petroglyphs near the base.
gak: How to not lose the sky.
gak: Little creek, little creek.
gak: Floor show in the desert.
gak: Dune evening primrose and friends.
gak: Into the wilds of Red Rock Canyon.
gak: Lift your skinny wrists like antennae to heaven.
gak: For thousands of years, man has been blinded by the sun.
gak: No skating here.
gak: Cowboy boots? Not smart.
gak: The trail continues yonder.
gak: Blue on blue.
gak: One of these people have waterproof boots.
gak: Lowest point.
gak: The white ribbon of reality.
gak: Salt like knives.
gak: Walking on Badwater.
gak: Midpose, reflected.
gak: Terra salta.
gak: Salt and sand patterns.
gak: Salt pool.
gak: Tree as sunblock.
gak: What isn't closed.
gak: Face on.
gak: Low afternoon Tecopa Hot Springs sun.
gak: Packing up the bus.
gak: Highway 127 has mountains too.
gak: Lonely 127.