gajbatton: Happy Birthday to me (1/365)
gajbatton: me at my desk (2/365)
gajbatton: stupid 100+ days in an overly hot upstair bedroom (3/365)
gajbatton: hand (4/365)
gajbatton: &*$%#n' alarm (5/365)
gajbatton: The Bedroom Window (6/365)
gajbatton: Why me? (7/365)
gajbatton: me and my wii mii (8/365)
gajbatton: TV Dinner (9/365)
gajbatton: F#@$%ing Flat Tire! (10/365)
gajbatton: Long day at work (11/365)
gajbatton: Another form of todays modern excess (12/365)
gajbatton: Antisocial drinker (13/365)
gajbatton: Change is needed (14/365)
gajbatton: Tired (15/365)
gajbatton: my morning nose bite (16/365)
gajbatton: AJ tiki (17/365)
gajbatton: Haven't shaved since Monday (18/365)
gajbatton: indoor rock climbing (19/365)
gajbatton: Me at my sisters (20/365)
gajbatton: cut knee and black and blue (21/365)
gajbatton: I am tired and almost died today. Drivers suck! (22/365)
gajbatton: driving to tahoe (23/365)
gajbatton: Hiking in Tahoe (24/365)
gajbatton: Grooming again (25/365)
gajbatton: Quick Pic (26/365)
gajbatton: Forearm/No Track Marks (27/365)
gajbatton: Crowded Bed (28/365)
gajbatton: Breath Smoke (29/365)
gajbatton: And So I Read (31/365)