gailhampshire: Raggiana Bird of Paradise - Raggiana Bird of Paradise - Paradisaea raggiana
gailhampshire: Raggiana Bird of Paradise. Raggiana Bird of Paradise - Paradisaea raggiana
gailhampshire: Eastern Crested Berrypecker. (Paramythia montium) (3)b
gailhampshire: Eastern Crested Berrypecker. (Paramythia montium)
gailhampshire: Eastern Crested Berrypecker. (Paramythia montium) (4)b
gailhampshire: Comb-crested Jacana. Irediparra galinacea
gailhampshire: Comb-crested Jacana. Irediparra galinacea
gailhampshire: Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres vieilloti , female
gailhampshire: Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres vieilloti , male
gailhampshire: Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres vieilloti , male
gailhampshire: Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa. with Little Black Cormorant. Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
gailhampshire: Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa
gailhampshire: Plumed Whistling Duck. Dendrocygna eytoni
gailhampshire: Rufous Night Heron. Nycticorax caledonicus
gailhampshire: Rufous Night Heron. Nycticorax caledonicus
gailhampshire: Bower of Fawn-breasted Bowerbird
gailhampshire: Fawn-breasted Bowerbird. Chlamydera cerviniventris
gailhampshire: Black-backed Butcherbird. Cracticus mentalis
gailhampshire: Black-backed Butcherbird. Cracticus mentalis
gailhampshire: Dusky Moorhen. Gallinula tenebrosa
gailhampshire: Dusky Moorhen. Gallinula tenebrosa
gailhampshire: Golden-headed Cisticola. Cisticola exilis
gailhampshire: Golden-headed Cisticola. Cisticola exilis
gailhampshire: Torresian Imperial Pigeon. Ducula spilorrhoa
gailhampshire: King of Saxony Bird of Paradise. Pteridophora alberti
gailhampshire: King of Saxony Bird of Paradise. Pteridophora alberti
gailhampshire: King of Saxony Bird of Paradise. Pteridophora alberti
gailhampshire: King of Saxony feathers
gailhampshire: Comb-crested Jacana chick. Irrediparra galinacea
gailhampshire: Little Black Cormorants. Phalacrocorax sulcirostris