fotogail: open barrels
fotogail: junkyard, dirt
fotogail: message in a junkyard
fotogail: rustscape choreography
fotogail: oh -
fotogail: waiting to reincarnate
fotogail: rings, tossed
fotogail: approximating thirds
fotogail: imagine blue sky
fotogail: two on a pedestal
fotogail: for olga?
fotogail: fossil futures
fotogail: rusty blue grid
fotogail: empty-handed
fotogail: heaping helping of shredded cars
fotogail: on the outskirts of optimism
fotogail: inside
fotogail: massive / scarred : lost / found
fotogail: recycling drama
fotogail: rectangular tangle
fotogail: venn diagram clearance
fotogail: farewell to ourboros
fotogail: to do