fotogail: introverted on the street
fotogail: reflect
fotogail: please hold on. sudden stops are sometimes necessary.
fotogail: faux candid moment in the sun
fotogail: sombra hello
fotogail: town in the tie-dye window
fotogail: awaiting direction
fotogail: corner of wet and dry
fotogail: bus stop shadows
fotogail: little cotton cloud
fotogail: on the street
fotogail: feetday
fotogail: paint face
fotogail: outside the laundry
fotogail: ruins: from outside the former oxygen sushi bar
fotogail: urban reflection with silver necklace and gumballs
fotogail: ephemeral
fotogail: shattered
fotogail: standing
fotogail: self, after flowers
fotogail: beyond