fotogail: smoke in the forest
fotogail: pond camp
fotogail: mount shasta from eagle creek divide
fotogail: branches and lines
fotogail: road to meadow
fotogail: wading into the abstract
fotogail: shasta on the edge of darkness
fotogail: up and down
fotogail: elegant frog camo look
fotogail: grassy
fotogail: ragged view
fotogail: streamside shooting stars
fotogail: brush-stroke this: rain on lily pond
fotogail: pond flower
fotogail: stalking the moment... on the trail
fotogail: mid-morning
fotogail: water, water
fotogail: shadow show
fotogail: from the froggy waters
fotogail: luminous jeffrey pine
fotogail: foraging
fotogail: magical corn lily bush
fotogail: emerging pads
fotogail: wiggle
fotogail: meadow return
fotogail: striped meadow
fotogail: puffball
fotogail: carnivore bouquet
fotogail: reach
fotogail: complexity, with melting snow