[Sebastien C.]: The Wait. Day 133
[Sebastien C.]: Little Rock. Day 116 [Explored!!]
[Sebastien C.]: The Departure. Day 93
[Sebastien C.]: Metro. Day 81
[Sebastien C.]: Follow the Light. Day 69
[Sebastien C.]: Concrete Layers
[Sebastien C.]: You Go Left, I Go Right. Day 67
[Sebastien C.]: This Way. Day 59
[Sebastien C.]: It's there! Day 53
[Sebastien C.]: .98. Day 48
[Sebastien C.]: Brand New Cadillac. Day 47
[Sebastien C.]: Art is Everywhere! Day 46
[Sebastien C.]: The Five Ghosts. Day 40
[Sebastien C.]: Subway art. Day 30
[Sebastien C.]: In A Hurry To Nowhere. Day 26
[Sebastien C.]: Fixed. Day 24
[Sebastien C.]: Station Henri-Bourrassa. Day 2
[Sebastien C.]: Where to? Day 1
[Sebastien C.]: Boring Station. Day 82
[Sebastien C.]: A Little Color Here And There. Day 289
[Sebastien C.]: Same Result Either Way. Day 288
[Sebastien C.]: Alone 2. Day 287
[Sebastien C.]: Alone. Day 286
[Sebastien C.]: Shape. Day 285
[Sebastien C.]: Going Down. Day 362