Big Ben in Japan:
Safe arrival in Taipei, if a day later than planned 無事到着 (当初の予定より一日遅れて)It turns out there was an earthquake right before we landed, so our transportation to Taichung was a bit disrupted. 着陸直前に南の方で地震があったようで、台中への新幹線が乱れてた。
Big Ben in Japan:
Ji Guang Delicious Fried Chicken That's the actual English name of the shop.この唐揚げマジ美味かった
Big Ben in Japan:
Taichung Confucius Temple 孔子廟
Big Ben in Japan:
People walk in the middle of the street despite heavy traffic, and the old dude on the scooter trying to go the wrong way even though a car is coming is wearing a Doraemon (Japanese kids' cartoon character) helmet. 交通量が多いのにみんな車道を歩いている。そこて、車が来てるのに逆走しようと
Big Ben in Japan:
Jiufen is a mountain gold-rush town that later became a tourist spot, and was one of the inspirations for the town in Spirited Away. 「九份」はゴールドラッシュのあと観光名所になって、「千と千尋の神隠し」の町ののモデルにもなったという。
Big Ben in Japan:
I wish we could have seen this place at night. この光景の夜も見たかった
Big Ben in Japan:
Xinsheng Park -- 新生公園區
Big Ben in Japan:
Fried chicken vendor
Big Ben in Japan:
Chicken and the night market -- 唐揚げと夜市