.Gaia: Irmãzinha
.Gaia: Boneca
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: love
.Gaia: Spring
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: Winter
.Gaia: Summer
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: Lysia
.Gaia: 45/365 Vaquinha Lysia
.Gaia: 98/365 Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales, That's all she ever thinks about ... Riding the wind.
.Gaia: 104/365
.Gaia: 162/365 you've got a secret smile...
.Gaia: She'll lead you down a path, there'll be tenderness in the air.
.Gaia: 223/365 Meditative.
.Gaia: 217/365 and i'll send all my loving' to you
.Gaia: 232/365
.Gaia: 257/365
.Gaia: 272/365
.Gaia: 265/365
.Gaia: Brazilian's next top model