Tasha-Rose: fun with the webcam
Tasha-Rose: fun with the webcam
Tasha-Rose: fun with the webcam
Tasha-Rose: fun with the webcam
Tasha-Rose: fun with the webcam
Tasha-Rose: Yoga Kids
Tasha-Rose: War Hurts Children
Tasha-Rose: War Hurts Children
Tasha-Rose: War Hurts Children
Tasha-Rose: Thrush and sleepy
Tasha-Rose: Helping Big Sister's Owie
Tasha-Rose: Sexy Weather Man
Tasha-Rose: Gracie's Owie
Tasha-Rose: Zoe's long blonde hair
Tasha-Rose: Grace just chillin'
Tasha-Rose: On my lap....all day.
Tasha-Rose: Soooooo Big
Tasha-Rose: Zoe found some lipstick
Tasha-Rose: Grace's Sister Smock
Tasha-Rose: Zoe's on TV!!!
Tasha-Rose: Zoe being.....Zoe
Tasha-Rose: Daddy and Zoe computing
Tasha-Rose: Zoe eating with a fork for the first time
Tasha-Rose: Kids That Travel
Tasha-Rose: Small Child in a Large Coat
Tasha-Rose: What a fashion plate!
Tasha-Rose: Oh How I Love Him
Tasha-Rose: The Spring Fae Want Outside