Gaia Cornwall: Austin is making apple crisp really quickly
Gaia Cornwall: Gerald makes spiked cider
Gaia Cornwall: J+J and the 70's-ish model filter
Gaia Cornwall: J+J and the 70's-ish model filter
Gaia Cornwall: J+J and the 70's-ish model filter
Gaia Cornwall: J+J and the 70's-ish model filter
Gaia Cornwall: J+J and the 70's-ish model filter
Gaia Cornwall: Best. Joke. Ever.
Gaia Cornwall: I want Julia's Sweater
Gaia Cornwall: Julia considers shoving bread up her nose
Gaia Cornwall: Austin is possessed
Gaia Cornwall: Yep, the salmon was that good.
Gaia Cornwall: Mr H the Chef
Gaia Cornwall: Lovely Jane
Gaia Cornwall: J and J
Gaia Cornwall: Austin is mortified
Gaia Cornwall: Cooking!
Gaia Cornwall: In the Kitchen
Gaia Cornwall: Cozy Table
Gaia Cornwall: Scrabble Time!
Gaia Cornwall: Scrabble Time!
Gaia Cornwall: Scrabble Time!
Gaia Cornwall: Scrabble Time!
Gaia Cornwall: Yep they're pretty bad.
Gaia Cornwall: Worst Scrabble letters ever
Gaia Cornwall: Birthday Cake
Gaia Cornwall: Birthday Cake
Gaia Cornwall: Austin looks pretty
Gaia Cornwall: Jane and Julia are serious