Gahagen Photography: Life and Death
Gahagen Photography: Nature Collage
Gahagen Photography: Broken Heart
Gahagen Photography: Fading Away
Gahagen Photography: Flowers for the Living
Gahagen Photography: Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum)
Gahagen Photography: Reclamation
Gahagen Photography: Scar of Being
Gahagen Photography: White lily fract
Gahagen Photography: Dogwood fractalius
Gahagen Photography: Dogwood fractalius The Lorax
Gahagen Photography: Sabatia gentianoides front
Gahagen Photography: A Walk in the Woods
Gahagen Photography: Duo Leaf Skeleton
Gahagen Photography: Malvaceae minimalist
Gahagen Photography: Aster minimalist
Gahagen Photography: Plumeria minimalist
Gahagen Photography: Gated Wonderland