Gael Varoquaux: Timur Khan mausoleum
Gael Varoquaux: The streets of Bukhara
Gael Varoquaux: Moscow airport
Gael Varoquaux: inside Kalon
Gael Varoquaux: The registan
Gael Varoquaux: The registan
Gael Varoquaux: Timur Khan mausoleum
Gael Varoquaux: Inside the registan
Gael Varoquaux: Eating plov
Gael Varoquaux: At Samarkand
Gael Varoquaux: At Samarcande
Gael Varoquaux: Bazar in Samarcande
Gael Varoquaux: The bazar in Tashkent
Gael Varoquaux: Timur Khan mausoleum
Gael Varoquaux: Samarcande
Gael Varoquaux: Samarcande
Gael Varoquaux: Samarcande
Gael Varoquaux: Samarcande