gadjoboy: put your hands together and give a big Flickr welcome to.......
gadjoboy: young man..i want you to stand in that corner and think about what you've done.
gadjoboy: walk or perhaps he surfed
gadjoboy: how could i see him then?????????????
gadjoboy: desolation
gadjoboy: gadjos are welcome
gadjoboy: julia goes to school
gadjoboy: whats the big deal ?
gadjoboy: oh no julia........
gadjoboy: 6/6/06 my ass.......
gadjoboy: stop sneaking up on me jesus.....
gadjoboy: blind faith
gadjoboy: put up and left
gadjoboy: come on in and watch me grow a new hand.
gadjoboy: jesus saves......bullhorns
gadjoboy: three wise men and a guy in a black suit with an accordian
gadjoboy: my laptop is protected
gadjoboy: ..........................................................
gadjoboy: i'm in.....
gadjoboy: This guy made a snowman