gadgetgrrl: old lady getup
gadgetgrrl: peekaboo!
gadgetgrrl: peekaboo!
gadgetgrrl: taking a ride but not liking it
gadgetgrrl: amy and val
gadgetgrrl: amy and val
gadgetgrrl: walking
gadgetgrrl: walking in the hood with a hood on
gadgetgrrl: chilly. hood.
gadgetgrrl: no, *this* is the bear walk
gadgetgrrl: you tawkin' to me?
gadgetgrrl: oh val!
gadgetgrrl: look away
gadgetgrrl: you! stop pointing that damn camera at me!
gadgetgrrl: you're staring at me...
gadgetgrrl: minding my own business, eating my fruit...
gadgetgrrl: bear walk on the side of the pit
gadgetgrrl: chandler, my man! how about a hand?
gadgetgrrl: in the pit
gadgetgrrl: whoaaa, the world is tipped funny
gadgetgrrl: tada!
gadgetgrrl: i like the wheel
gadgetgrrl: perfect nap spot
gadgetgrrl: stop it with the pics!
gadgetgrrl: bunny and me
gadgetgrrl: goodbye toes!
gadgetgrrl: hello toes!
gadgetgrrl: romping with bunny
gadgetgrrl: bunny for show and tell
gadgetgrrl: leaning on pile of crap