gadgetgrrl: who are you and back away from my cookie!
gadgetgrrl: we like yule logs
gadgetgrrl: cake!
gadgetgrrl: i share with cousin
gadgetgrrl: cousin sharing her yule log with val
gadgetgrrl: waiting for cake...pweashhh
gadgetgrrl: favorite seat
gadgetgrrl: brushing toofusses
gadgetgrrl: on our walk
gadgetgrrl: bored of death march
gadgetgrrl: bored of walk already
gadgetgrrl: beginning of death march
gadgetgrrl: "picture!"
gadgetgrrl: mommy and the noggin
gadgetgrrl: it'll fit soon
gadgetgrrl: not the pink gloves!
gadgetgrrl: those boots? for xmas
gadgetgrrl: on the move
gadgetgrrl: st. john's
gadgetgrrl: mommy and the raincoated girl
gadgetgrrl: cutie
gadgetgrrl: viv and val
gadgetgrrl: this is a good seat
gadgetgrrl: eat the raisin!
gadgetgrrl: watching val
gadgetgrrl: captive audience
gadgetgrrl: calling all fishwicks...
gadgetgrrl: heddooo?
gadgetgrrl: i'd like to make a call pweash
gadgetgrrl: dba in the making?