Gadge-r1: Phalaenopsis 1/52
Gadge-r1: Jelly Pebbles 2/52
Gadge-r1: Ice Crystals 3/52
Gadge-r1: Sweet Anticipation. 4/52
Gadge-r1: Fascination Of Fire 5/52
Gadge-r1: Can I come...? 6/52
Gadge-r1: Bubble Planet 7/52
Gadge-r1: Purple Feather 8/52
Gadge-r1: Flamborough Arch 9/52
Gadge-r1: Eat with caution...! 10/52
Gadge-r1: Don't forget Me... 11/52
Gadge-r1: Urban Art 12/52
Gadge-r1: Twilight at Alexandra Dock 13/52
Gadge-r1: A Different World 14/52
Gadge-r1: Just a few of my favourite things...15/52
Gadge-r1: Steaming Ahead 16/52
Gadge-r1: Tulip 17/52
Gadge-r1: Foss Waterfall 18/52
Gadge-r1: Grumpy Gargoyle 19/52
Gadge-r1: Daisy 20/52
Gadge-r1: Eye Of The Rose 21/52
Gadge-r1: Raspberry Ripple 22/52
Gadge-r1: Coniston. The Lake District 23/52
Gadge-r1: Juicy Apple. 24/52
Gadge-r1: River Humber Power Boat Race. 25/52
Gadge-r1: A Different Angle. 26/52
Gadge-r1: Gerbera Low Key 27/52
Gadge-r1: Reach For The Sky 28/52
Gadge-r1: Turbine 29/52
Gadge-r1: Time For Rest. 30/52