GABURU: Archer set the equipments
GABURU: Sam's equipments
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Sam Prekop
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire/Prewitt
GABURU: McEntire/Prewitt
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: McEntire/Prewitt
GABURU: Prewitt/ Claridge
GABURU: Sam's stecker and McEntire
GABURU: Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: McEntire
GABURU: Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: McEntire
GABURU: McEntire
GABURU: Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: McEntire/Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Prekop
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Prewitt/Claridge
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire
GABURU: Prekop/ McEntire
GABURU: Prekop
GABURU: McEntire
GABURU: Prekop
GABURU: Prekop/McEntire/Prewitt