Gabriel Plcs: The bokeh of life.
Gabriel Plcs: Peace, at least just for a second. // Paz, al menos solo por un segundo.
Gabriel Plcs: Classic.
Gabriel Plcs: Leaves.
Gabriel Plcs: Poēm of a face.
Gabriel Plcs: Sun of postmodernism.
Gabriel Plcs: Pörtrat "series"
Gabriel Plcs: Poēm of a face.
Gabriel Plcs: Silence. Pörtrat "series".
Gabriel Plcs: Hotel room stories.
Gabriel Plcs: Night series.
Gabriel Plcs: Night series.
Gabriel Plcs: Nationality.
Gabriel Plcs: Every day is women day.
Gabriel Plcs: Self portrait.
Gabriel Plcs: Depth of field
Gabriel Plcs: Mariana
Gabriel Plcs: Film of the last days.
Gabriel Plcs: Last days of november.
Gabriel Plcs: Highway to hell.
Gabriel Plcs: Capitalism, socialism, communism... It's all the same.
Gabriel Plcs: Loyalty.
Gabriel Plcs: Write your memories.
Gabriel Plcs: Analogue imperfection. (Pt. 2)
Gabriel Plcs: Analogue imperfection.
Gabriel Plcs: Mariana.
Gabriel Plcs: The sound of wind.
Gabriel Plcs: High hopes.
Gabriel Plcs: 🎧 🎶 Soul Love - David Bowie 🎶🎧