Gabriel @@~: Pentax Espio Mini 32mm f3.5
Gabriel @@~: Pentax Espio Mini 32mm f3.5
Gabriel @@~: 000014260018_R1
Gabriel @@~: 000014260016_R1
Gabriel @@~: 000014260015_R1
Gabriel @@~: 000014260014_R1
Gabriel @@~: 000014260021_R1
Gabriel @@~: 悠悠風輕輕吹
Gabriel @@~: 總是容易被往事打動
Gabriel @@~: 柴灣工廠大廈
Gabriel @@~: 小心翼翼
Gabriel @@~: repulse bay
Gabriel @@~: repulse bay
Gabriel @@~: 舊日的角
Gabriel @@~: 坐在窗前 看這世界
Gabriel @@~: The world is not secured anymore
Gabriel @@~: 願你唱下去
Gabriel @@~: 香江最高
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: We are under control
Gabriel @@~: busy night
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: enjoyed and missing the hiking time
Gabriel @@~: 還記得嗎?