gabriel amadeus: Mr Eagle!
gabriel amadeus: He was real friendly
gabriel amadeus: Crack in the Ground
gabriel amadeus: Best anti-litter poster ever
gabriel amadeus: Log book
gabriel amadeus: Crrrrrrack!
gabriel amadeus: Descending, it was about 20º cooler inside
gabriel amadeus: Whew, that was a close one!
gabriel amadeus: I see (Picasso) faces
gabriel amadeus: Remains of various animals around a nesting Prairie Falcon's lair
gabriel amadeus: Remains of various animals around a nesting Prairie Falcon's lair
gabriel amadeus: Rock formations in the Crack
gabriel amadeus: Crack Path
gabriel amadeus: It's hard to see the scale on these, but they're HUGE
gabriel amadeus: Crack in the Ground, Ore
gabriel amadeus: Green Mountain Campground
gabriel amadeus: Green Mountain Campground
gabriel amadeus: Adventure mobile!
gabriel amadeus: Looking west from Green Mountain
gabriel amadeus: Snow Flea Swarm!
gabriel amadeus: Headed up Hager
gabriel amadeus: Headed up Hager
gabriel amadeus: A rare sign!
gabriel amadeus: Me, perturbed with the lack of snow for the Incredible Pulk
gabriel amadeus: Dirty Boots
gabriel amadeus: Our first sighting of the lookout when the clouds lifted
gabriel amadeus: This turned out to be the longest 1.1mi ever!
gabriel amadeus: Headed up through a scrubby, exposed ridge. (lookout in the upper right corner)
gabriel amadeus: The last half mile it actually got pretty snowy