Gabriel Aljundi: Trying 2 be GLITCH
Gabriel Aljundi: CROCODILE
Gabriel Aljundi: Barcelona Skate
Gabriel Aljundi: Yo, that's fifty dollars for a t-shirt
Gabriel Aljundi: Klingande...
Gabriel Aljundi: Barcelona girl
Gabriel Aljundi: Seville's skyline
Gabriel Aljundi: Mediterranean
Gabriel Aljundi: Spend a lifetime in Girona
Gabriel Aljundi: The jacket I wear
Gabriel Aljundi: Africa from Europe
Gabriel Aljundi: C'mon let me ride
Gabriel Aljundi: Barcelona Fest
Gabriel Aljundi: My own HUF poster
Gabriel Aljundi: Good spirits...
Gabriel Aljundi: Those windows that go unnoticed
Gabriel Aljundi: Anything could happen
Gabriel Aljundi: Jasminum
Gabriel Aljundi: Postcard
Gabriel Aljundi: Picture in the wharf
Gabriel Aljundi: Vallgorguina
Gabriel Aljundi: Ribagorza
Gabriel Aljundi: Ribagorza