Gabriel Aljundi: Trying 2 be GLITCH
Gabriel Aljundi: Stolen dance
Gabriel Aljundi: Barcelona girl
Gabriel Aljundi: Soft kitty, warm kitty
Gabriel Aljundi: The jacket I wear
Gabriel Aljundi: Barcelona Fest
Gabriel Aljundi: My own HUF poster
Gabriel Aljundi: Good spirits...
Gabriel Aljundi: Jasminum
Gabriel Aljundi: Postcard
Gabriel Aljundi: Vert, bleu, rouge
Gabriel Aljundi: Picture in the wharf
Gabriel Aljundi: Pinar del Poblenou
Gabriel Aljundi: Testing analogue film VI
Gabriel Aljundi: Testing analogue film III
Gabriel Aljundi: Madrid - Stairs
Gabriel Aljundi: Champs de Castille (read below)
Gabriel Aljundi: Lakeside
Gabriel Aljundi: Fujifilm Sevilla 01
Gabriel Aljundi: Storytime (3/3)
Gabriel Aljundi: Storytime (2/3)