Willian Ansolin:
Gentle Giant Ltd:
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) Movie Mini Bust
A close one ... 700.000+ views and 4.300+ favorites, thanks to everyone! - Explored
Dr. GORI ( PJr.):
Silver Hawks
Dr. GORI ( PJr.):
Arara Azul
not too shabby:
Dreams of the Big League
not too shabby:
Butterfly eye
not too shabby:
Blue-chested Hummingbird- Amazilia amabilis
not too shabby:
Snowy Owl - Bubo Scandiacus
not too shabby:
Eye to eye
not too shabby:
Harpy Eagle - Harpia Harpyja
Dr. GORI ( PJr.):
Harpia - Fêmea /^,º,^\
Vintage Wallpaper Wall Box
Testing the new camera_02
Marc A. Sporys | photholics:
hairy caterpillar
Marc A. Sporys | photholics:
Just Vivid