gabicuff pix: Muskrat
gabicuff pix: Muskrat
gabicuff pix: Muskrat
gabicuff pix: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
gabicuff pix: Rabbit
gabicuff pix: Eye to eye with a rabbit
gabicuff pix: Deer in the field
gabicuff pix: Squirrel with “supplies”
gabicuff pix: Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
gabicuff pix: Mule deer
gabicuff pix: Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
gabicuff pix: Rabbits pause at the side of the path
gabicuff pix: Coyote
gabicuff pix: Black bear grazing...
gabicuff pix: Beaver Series (4/7)
gabicuff pix: chipmunk eating cottonwood seeds…
gabicuff pix: Gray Squirrel
gabicuff pix: Rabbit pose…
gabicuff pix: Racoon family run across the road…
gabicuff pix: Beaver series (2/7)
gabicuff pix: A very wet squirrel...
gabicuff pix: Rabbit in the frontyard…
gabicuff pix: Snake having a look…
gabicuff pix: Mule or Black-tailed Deer
gabicuff pix: Two cuties….
gabicuff pix: Yellow Bellied Marmot (Marmota Flaviventris)
gabicuff pix: Wee bunny
gabicuff pix: Bear out on the field…