gnell: Preparing for the hike (by eating)
gnell: Rainier 004
gnell: Marmots sunning on a rock
gnell: Blue Butterfly
gnell: Fellas
gnell: Jeff and Tony
gnell: Snow hasn't melted
gnell: Hiking up
gnell: Rainier 017
gnell: Snow
gnell: Jeff and Janette on the Snow
gnell: Snow
gnell: Taking a break
gnell: Cool formation
gnell: Cool formation
gnell: Byson and Tony
gnell: Stream
gnell: Meadow and Peak
gnell: Stream
gnell: Marmot in a Hole
gnell: Goat Rocks
gnell: Small stream
gnell: Brook and Mountain
gnell: Windswept Tree
gnell: Waterfall
gnell: The whole crew!