nohasseldad: swimmer
nohasseldad: cousins
nohasseldad: caped crusaders
nohasseldad: let's play
nohasseldad: going home happy
nohasseldad: ready for dinner
nohasseldad: bar scene
nohasseldad: DSC_1915.jpg
nohasseldad: DSC_2253
nohasseldad: Drive through
nohasseldad: Comedian
nohasseldad: Pastry Boy
nohasseldad: click!
nohasseldad: brobros
nohasseldad: dinosaur
nohasseldad: one moment
nohasseldad: first kiss
nohasseldad: the dad
nohasseldad: the crib left today
nohasseldad: morning
nohasseldad: car parking
nohasseldad: all handsome
nohasseldad: infinity
nohasseldad: Dad, I am tired of out-running your camera
nohasseldad: change of perspective
nohasseldad: it all clicked
nohasseldad: Cafe Scene
nohasseldad: photographer / teenager