GBPentax: Abandoned corn crib on a dark rainy day
GBPentax: lighter version of corncrib
GBPentax: Old barn in B/W
GBPentax: Abandoned barn on a drizzly day
GBPentax: abandoned shed
GBPentax: Home for rent, cheap
GBPentax: Abandoned home in b/w
GBPentax: Inside dark old corn crib
GBPentax: Abandoned barn
GBPentax: Corn crib
GBPentax: Guernsey's checking me out
GBPentax: Guernsey's
GBPentax: Old style farm
GBPentax: Coming to see who the stranger is in their midst
GBPentax: That doesn't look like farmer Bob!
GBPentax: Coming to see who i am.
GBPentax: Peeking
GBPentax: posing
GBPentax: pasture and cows in the rain
GBPentax: Leaning tree
GBPentax: A couple cows outstanding in their field
GBPentax: Rain and overcasts makes the colors stands out
GBPentax: cows, corn, creek and fields
GBPentax: Mom and calf
GBPentax: It's a cow...
GBPentax: Grazing just after a rain
GBPentax: Cows and rain
GBPentax: More cows and rain
GBPentax: Black and white photo of cows on a hill