PC Hille: The Discothèque Scene
PC Hille: The Discothèque Scene
PC Hille: Go Go madness strikes and the nation gyres in a frenzy of Swim, Surf and Frug.
PC Hille: Patrons cut rug with everything from the Frug to the Bug at Ondine, a new New York discothèque with a nautical motif.
PC Hille: In the Ginza in New York, Japanese and American girls cavort on frosted Plexiglass disks which form part of a platform that extends over the dance floor.
PC Hille: At Disc-au-Go-Go, a popular spot in Manhattan, a girl entertains customers from a glass booth cantilevered over the first-floor bar.
PC Hille: The Disc à GoGo in Dallas features a rear projection screen which flashes name of the dance being performed.
PC Hille: In Chicago's Whisky à Go Go, girl does the monkey.