PC Hille:
He threw himself in the grass. As yet he couldn't see the motorcycles, although his eyes made a wide sweep of the road.
PC Hille:
"Then get ready, Vincent," she said. "Count up to fifteen. By that time I'll be in the apartment house and the elevator will be set to go."
PC Hille:
He was getting the clipping back in the textbook when he heard the door opening in the parlor and footsteps coming into the apartment.
PC Hille:
The driver said, "I got a better idea for you. You can jump off the bridge and it'll be over in no time."
PC Hille:
Parry said, "From here on, there's only one person you'll need to be good to. That's yourself. Good-by, Irene."
PC Hille:
He saw something on the other side of the street and almost at the end of the block, waiting there.
PC Hille:
"Who was it?" Bob said. His voice was all twisted. Seconds dragged through quiet. Then Irene said, "Vincent Parry."
PC Hille:
She had the bandage in her hands, and she was looking at him. She was looking at his new face. And then she fainted.
PC Hille:
It became a big shock for Arbogast. He started to lower the gun, to aim it again, and just then Parry came slamming into him.