Gwyn Michael: half full
Gwyn Michael: 1/52 to tell the truth
Gwyn Michael: 2/52 be still and listen...
Gwyn Michael: "arrange whatever pieces come your way"
Gwyn Michael: surfacing
Gwyn Michael: communication breakdown
Gwyn Michael: nothing is certain
Gwyn Michael: the captains granddaughter
Gwyn Michael: A Piece of Me
Gwyn Michael: The picture reminded her of something she couldn't quite remember
Gwyn Michael: Who's got my back?
Gwyn Michael: The Good Old Days
Gwyn Michael: Breaking Out
Gwyn Michael: G.wierd alien clockwork orange face
Gwyn Michael: Welcome to the Bathroom of Shame
Gwyn Michael: Let freedom ring...
Gwyn Michael: Fear of Light
Gwyn Michael: What have I done?
Gwyn Michael: If i had a voice...
Gwyn Michael: The way things are
Gwyn Michael: Not a pretty picture
Gwyn Michael: Can you see me now?