goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
rainy days
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
miss piggy
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
emma and rudolphina
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
hey you! yes, you!
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
furthermore 079
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
black on black
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
black on black
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
morning hour
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
bruno's world
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
suzerainty over two elements
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
spider breisgauiensis
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
aranchocaesar freiburgiensis (hungry)
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
spider freiburgiensis camouflagis (daydreaming)
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
spider murphy gang (on stage in breisgau)
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
aranchocaesar freiburgiensis (hungry)
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
acrobat eater (freiburg im breisgau)
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
spider royalis breisgauiensis: acrobat@work
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
snailing up and down the vineyard
goerdie_l. on the slow photo road:
bursting with curiosity