ramograph: Female Pisaura mirabilis
ramograph: Pellucid hoverfly
ramograph: Holly Blue
ramograph: Male orange tip
ramograph: Early purple orchid
ramograph: male orange tip 2
ramograph: micromoth. sp.
ramograph: micromoth. sp. 1a
ramograph: female Duke of Burgundy
ramograph: Dingy Skipper
ramograph: Female Duke of Burgundy, full spread
ramograph: female Duke of Burgundy
ramograph: Common twayblade
ramograph: Flying beefly
ramograph: flying bee fly
ramograph: Veins!
ramograph: Veins!
ramograph: Dingy Skipper feeding
ramograph: Beetle 1
ramograph: Early purple orchid
ramograph: crop of beetle 2
ramograph: Duke of Burgundy on cowslip
ramograph: male Duke of Burgandy
ramograph: Male yellowhammer
ramograph: zoom in on male yellowhammer
ramograph: Beetle 2
ramograph: male Duke of Burgundy