ramograph: DSCN7570r
ramograph: P8043056
ramograph: P8093192C
ramograph: P8093193C
ramograph: P8093196C
ramograph: P8093197C
ramograph: P8093203C
ramograph: P8093208C
ramograph: plume moth on the old garage door, <i> Emmelina monodactyla </i>
ramograph: DSCN7607
ramograph: P8134430
ramograph: DSCN0210c
ramograph: DSCN0588c
ramograph: butterfly eggs
ramograph: Dr Who's new enemy
ramograph: two's company
ramograph: time for a drink
ramograph: blue in the purple
ramograph: What is this moth?
ramograph: Grayling at Castle Bottom
ramograph: Burnet o'clock
ramograph: Angle Shades
ramograph: Angle shades close up
ramograph: A hawk in the hand
ramograph: In the buff...
ramograph: Another in the hand
ramograph: uplifted
ramograph: Empress's lunch
ramograph: Spotted in the sun
ramograph: Peacock in the sun