gman.light: from the rear
gman.light: must be a YMCA
gman.light: bright light ... no shades
gman.light: mess in ... mess out
gman.light: silhouette b&w
gman.light: silhouette
gman.light: lots of holes & leaks
gman.light: peace
gman.light: flipside
gman.light: who would leave it in a place like this ?
gman.light: bet the floor was once cool
gman.light: suprised it had a steering wheel left !
gman.light: who took my door ?!
gman.light: hatch
gman.light: lots-o-flats
gman.light: not my good side
gman.light: might have been a cool entryway floor
gman.light: still got style !
gman.light: room 22
gman.light: murder & peace
gman.light: half-way down
gman.light: the whole length
gman.light: the fancy floor
gman.light: men ->
gman.light: door fell off
gman.light: tim + barb
gman.light: saved for renovations ?
gman.light: face down
gman.light: up is light ... down is dark ?