gman.light: who would't
gman.light: what should i snap next
gman.light: slides ... haven't seen one in years
gman.light: windowless
gman.light: probably won't be used in the world cup
gman.light: left behind
gman.light: these won't lead a cheer any more :(
gman.light: what's not to like about bowling in gym class ?
gman.light: mr. pickle
gman.light: ladders are always handy
gman.light: don't think i'll climb it
gman.light: going up ... not
gman.light: all fell down
gman.light: STK & crew
gman.light: flipside
gman.light: random
gman.light: peace perch
gman.light: why desecrate a piano ?
gman.light: floating asimov
gman.light: even the balcony was tagged
gman.light: creepy hallway
gman.light: should i take a pic here ...
gman.light: pretty sure this is not an appropriate resting place ...
gman.light: pay attention to today's lecture
gman.light: i didn't put the chair there
gman.light: time stood still
gman.light: what's left of the office
gman.light: we didn't find any gold bars in the safe
gman.light: photo-bombed !