gman.light: teethy-face
gman.light: b l e h
gman.light: imperative as a declarative ?
gman.light: back at it ///
gman.light: hello cleveland
gman.light: play nice with Lo ... just this time
gman.light: UP _is_ better than down
gman.light: repurposed as bass canon's ?!wait until you hear the bass drop through those horns !!!starting at $50K per ... of course you can pose in-situ with them !
gman.light: and so it starts
gman.light: pretty much is the crew
gman.light: can't be the same 'face'
gman.light: oh ... that is downtown .. almost missed it.
gman.light: plug me in ... i might work !
gman.light: i wonder how many keys it has ?
gman.light: sometimes you run across strange things ...
gman.light: perspective
gman.light: a lot of alot
gman.light: ask questions
gman.light: another angel fish (soke)
gman.light: now 'face' is not playing nice !
gman.light: R.I.P. "OG"
gman.light: Lo v2
gman.light: Lo v2
gman.light: uncanny resemblance ...
gman.light: bigger version
gman.light: in action
gman.light: sun play
gman.light: Empty ?
gman.light: lots of different light