gman.light: black and white night
gman.light: greys' cover grey
gman.light: Pac Man is that you
gman.light: moonrise 01
gman.light: pock marks
gman.light: oh look! white out in late march. wait. roger that. spring in North East Ohio
gman.light: looming
gman.light: rock star b&w
gman.light: dangling
gman.light: it is still about light
gman.light: fireball
gman.light: do not eat them
gman.light: sometimes you run across strange things ...
gman.light: might be in the top 10 of pix i've snapped
gman.light: perspective
gman.light: Lo v2
gman.light: what will thaw out of this?
gman.light: the best light is natural
gman.light: call me
gman.light: not sure i want to know
gman.light: into the void
gman.light: protect eyes from rays
gman.light: very down
gman.light: parallax
gman.light: water damage
gman.light: no more command performances
gman.light: back when they used wood - b&w
gman.light: lots of lines
gman.light: don't hiss at me !
gman.light: wild it grows there !