gman.light: IMG_2818
gman.light: Endless Carving
gman.light: IMG_2820
gman.light: Houses of Parliament
gman.light: On guard
gman.light: Can't help, but look skyward
gman.light: Mini spire
gman.light: IMG_2827
gman.light: IMG_2828
gman.light: Spy house
gman.light: Domestic spy hangout.
gman.light: St. Paul's Cathedral
gman.light: St. Paul's Cathedral
gman.light: Millenium Bridge
gman.light: Tower Bridge in the distance
gman.light: From the Millennium Bridge
gman.light: St. Paul's Cathedral from the Millennium Bridge
gman.light: St. Paul's
gman.light: The Thames was angry that day.
gman.light: The Anchor Pub ... much needed beer after sightseeing!
gman.light: St. Paul's
gman.light: Clearly the Broadway Hotel that I assume is in Broadway, the Cotswolds, UK
gman.light: Monument with the hope of blue skies.
gman.light: Where we stayed.
gman.light: Waiting for a steam engine ride
gman.light: Platform crossover