Gar40y: Bullhead Breakfast
Gar40y: White Crowned Sparrow
Gar40y: Tree Swallow in flight.
Gar40y: Great Blue Heron
Gar40y: Rooster Pheansant Crowing
Gar40y: Eastern King bird in flight.
Gar40y: Green Heron
Gar40y: Green Heron
Gar40y: Pelican
Gar40y: Trumpeter Swan
Gar40y: Nuthatch
Gar40y: And we have lift off
Gar40y: Heron Sunrise
Gar40y: Bobolink
Gar40y: Morning Dove
Gar40y: Cedar Waxwing
Gar40y: Male Ring Necked Pheasant
Gar40y: Flight of the Pheasant
Gar40y: Lift Off
Gar40y: Canadian Geese
Gar40y: Pheasant in Flight
Gar40y: Why did the young pheasant cross the road?
Gar40y: Pelicans
Gar40y: Harrier
Gar40y: On the hunt for breakfast
Gar40y: Ringnecked Pheasant
Gar40y: Ringnecked Pheasant
Gar40y: Cedar Waxwing
Gar40y: Cedar Waxwing