apg: Aidan and Grammy
apg: Thinking chair
apg: Grinning
apg: Meat from the fire
apg: Aidan and 'Pa
apg: Aidan and 'Pa
apg: Watching the fire
apg: Baked potato goodness
apg: Set a spell, take your shoes off
apg: Camping boys
apg: Fahr
apg: Fire drawing
apg: Fire drawing
apg: Fire drawing
apg: Fire drawing
apg: Campstove pancakes
apg: Makeshift plates
apg: Morning warming
apg: The second repast
apg: Rock-throwing boy
apg: Aidan and Daddy
apg: Driving a tractor
apg: Aidan and the tractor
apg: More his size
apg: Steam tractor
apg: Delicious hot dog
apg: I believe I ordered the large tire
apg: Nash Metropolitan hood ornament
apg: Aidan and 'Pa