g7brj: Lily Beetle (Lilioceris lilii)
g7brj: Dragons Den
g7brj: Red Rose
g7brj: Insect 1
g7brj: Astribe simplicifolia Sprite
g7brj: Flowers on a potato plant.
g7brj: White Lily
g7brj: Hang on dear
g7brj: Thank God we're the right way up again!!
g7brj: Purple Gladiola
g7brj: Hover Fly on Poppy
g7brj: Poppy
g7brj: Black & Red
g7brj: Exotic Flower?
g7brj: Red Flower 1
g7brj: An Explosion of spiders
g7brj: A plethora of spiders
g7brj: Incy Wincy Spider
g7brj: Furry Harry
g7brj: Whatever it is, it's Dead
g7brj: Three-Snails on a Carnation
g7brj: Dragonfly 1
g7brj: Dragonfly 2
g7brj: Giant Rose Hips
g7brj: Rose Hips
g7brj: Thistle Extreme MAcro
g7brj: Autumn Colours
g7brj: Owl Butterfly(Caligo beltrao)
g7brj: Indian Leaf(Kallima paralekta)
g7brj: Indian Leaf(Kallima paralekta)